Peter: a.k.a. Bea La Boa (S1E3)

Peter alias Bea La Boa lives in Berlin since 1962. With a gentle, almost fragile voice he shares some tough challenges he had to face in his life. But as soon as his fingers touch a nail polish bottle he starts smiling like a little boy. After 30 years of hard work in the building industry he enjoys his life as a hobby painter now. He used to hide his passion for female clothing for decades. Only when doctors advised him to take care of him self instead of constantly looking after his sick wife, he decided to come clean about 10 years ago.

–> Read the full interview here.

A new episode comes out every Wednesday.

Produced, Filmed & Directed by: Carolin Kraft
Edited by: Monika Hütter
Color Grader: Shaz De Jav
Sound Editor: Angela Seserman

One Comment

  1. Kurze Anmerkung von mir als Protagonist: Das Video, wie auch das Interview, spiegelt nur ansatzweise mein Leben wieder und ist vielleicht in der einen oder anderen Passage missverständlich. Sollte sich für den interessierten Leser die eine oder andere Frage stellen, so darf man mich gerne über meine Webseite – – kontaktieren. 🙂

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